Hair Loss

Hair Disorder In Grown Hair

Although hair is composed of dead cells, much importance is given to this crowning glory of both men and women.  Just consider the amount of effort with which one gives in grooming the hair every morning before going to the office –shampoo, condition, comb, style, apply gel or gloss- all to make one’s hair look good. Also consider the frequency of parlor trips to maintain the condition of the hair, not only to have a trim or a cut, but to undergo more conditioning treatments. Such importance is given hair such that hair loss is akin to a major disaster. There are in fact many jokes to fire at people, especially men way past their 30’s regarding their hair, or the loss thereof.  The more tactful can say one is gaining more skin, while the person needing tact could blurt out that one is getting bald.

But being advanced in one’s age is not the only reason for hair loss. There are those who have met accidents such that the scalp is even affected, preventing the growth of hair. Some have illnesses whose treatments cause hair loss- such as chemotherapy. Some are also genetically-programmed for hair loss. Hair loss is also hereditary.

Hair loss treatment in Singapore is a trend among the middle-aged. While this might seem unheard-of in the previous generations, hair loss treatment these days has gone beyond the practice of just purchasing a wig or a tope’.  Hair loss treatment in Singapore can go as far as hair implants among the many ways to stimulate hair growth or to replace lost hair in the scalp or implantation. There are many ways to make hair grow.

In older times, some people stimulated hair growth by applying and massaging the juices of the aloe vera herb into the scalp. This has favorable results especially to those who had just entered middle age. While hair loss treatment in Singapore can only cater to physically grow back or implant hair, the esteem with which hair is attached to can be treated by self-acceptance and being content with what state one is in.

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